
Lex Icon


some excerpts from Lex Icon

My first solo zine in a hot minute, printed on the (repaired, somewhat) Risograph at the Galaxy Brain studio.

In early 2023 I started shitposting on Lex, a queer bulletin board app, and to my astonishment parlayed that habit into a rich and rewarding queer sex life of a type I'd never experienced. Lex Icon is a collection of my shitposts along with some personal essays, tying the entire thing together into a memoir about love, sex, kink, and transition.

I was very much inspired by Carta Monir's seminal zine, Napkin, which I read before transition (giving me a lot of very confusing feelings) and again during the first year of my transition, when I felt most sexless and unmoored. I read a lot of zines and memoirs and essays in that period, trying to recognize myself in the narratives of trans elders and being petulantly frustrated that nobody quite felt like me. Carta's work was aspirational — I could not possibly imagine becoming the cool, hot, thoughtful slut she was; I had a beacon but no clear path. I hope that Lex Icon can help light the way for people who feel like I did: nerdy artsy baby transes who suspect that they could be really hot, if only they could be recognized as such.

You can buy a physical copy here, and scans are available for free.